Our new Editorial Board

Max Reu­ter, Edit­or-in-Chief at JEB, Pro­fess­or at Uni­ver­sity Col­lege London

We are happy to intro­duce JEB’s new edit­or­i­al board! Fol­low­ing the announce­ment of the planned reor­gan­isa­tion last sum­mer, Man­aging Edit­or Nicki Cook and I had been busy recruit­ing edit­ors for the new board over the autumn and winter. This was a long and com­plex pro­cess, includ­ing the multi-dimen­sion­al puzzle of select­ing board mem­bers accord­ing to expert­ise and diversity and a sig­ni­fic­ant amount of work behind the scenes to adjust and update the manu­script hand­ling work­flows. But we are happy (and relieved) to finally be able to present our Hand­ling and Asso­ci­ate Edit­ors  to you, our read­er- and author­ship, and wel­come them here.

The main motiv­a­tion for reor­gan­ising our edit­or­i­al struc­ture was to adapt JEB to the increas­ing diver­si­fic­a­tion and soph­ist­ic­a­tion of con­tem­por­ary evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy. Research in our field is becom­ing ever broad­er, both in terms of the ques­tions we ask and the tech­no­lo­gies and approaches we use. To con­tin­ue to provide peer review—and hence content—of the highest qual­ity, JEB’s edit­or­i­al prac­tices need to match this diver­si­fic­a­tion. A big­ger board and the range of expert­ise among our Asso­ci­ate Edit­ors will allow us to do so.

But diver­si­fic­a­tion is not lim­ited to the research itself, the evol­u­tion com­munity has also become broad­er in many oth­er ways. Our second (but by no means sec­ond­ary) goal has there­fore been to make JEB’s edit­or­i­al board more diverse and rep­res­ent­at­ive of the entire research com­munity. Our seni­or edit­ors (Edit­or-in-Chief, Hand­ling Edit­ors, Com­mis­sion­ing Edit­or and Data Edit­or) now includes research­ers from the UK, US, Aus­tralia, Switzer­land, Mex­ico and the Neth­er­lands and we have gender par­ity among the new Hand­ling Edit­ors. For the board of Asso­ci­ate Edit­ors too we have made large strides towards being rep­res­ent­at­ive of the diversity of the field. We have sig­ni­fic­antly increased the rep­res­ent­a­tion of women among our edit­ors (from 4:11 among the pre­vi­ous board of Decid­ing Edit­ors to 16:23 among the new AEs) and now have edit­ors from 17 coun­tries, includ­ing Aus­tria, Bel­gi­um, Brazil, China, Den­mark, Fin­land, France, Ger­many, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Neth­er­lands, Spain, Sweden, Switzer­land, UK and the US.

We are excited to see our new board in action and hope these changes will get a pos­it­ive recep­tion in the com­munity. Please share your com­ments and thoughts, we value them. Mean­while, we will con­tin­ue our work. This will include fur­ther addi­tions to fill in gaps and to make small adjust­ments to the bal­ance between our sub­mis­sions and the expert­ise with­in the board. More import­antly though, we are yet to recruit a group of juni­or AEs and their ment­ors to provide a path­way to grow into edit­or­i­al roles. 

While we hope that the new board will improve the way we work, our mis­sion to pub­lish qual­ity research in evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy remains unchanged. Besides wel­com­ing our new edit­ors, I would there­fore like to thank our out­go­ing board of Decid­ing Edit­ors. Their hard work is the found­a­tion of JEB’s repu­ta­tion as one of the lead­ing journ­als in our field and many of them will provide valu­able con­tinu­ity as mem­bers of the new board. Thank you!